Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 23 Weeks
Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 23 Weeks
Lamaze International
The following information -- and much more -- can also be found in the free weekly email Lamaze Pregnancy Week by Week. Sign up now to receive helpful information for your stage of pregnancy. Subscribers will be given the opportunity to complete a Lamaze Parent Satisfaction Survey after their pregnancy and receive a Lamaze Toys coupon. We want to hear about your birth experience and the impact that childbirth education may have had so that we can continue to make sure parents have the information they need for the safest, healthiest birth possible.
You're in week 23 of your pregnancy!
You're growing something amazing inside of you. This seems obvious'of course, you're growing an amazing baby. It's likely that you haven't considered the fact that you're growing something else that's pretty phenomenal - your placenta. It has grown with your baby in the womb from the cells of the fertilized egg. Through the umbilical cord, it nourishes and protects your baby every day. Explore more about your amazing placenta.
What's New with Baby
What's New with You
Story from a Mama who has been there
'The placenta was literally like a 'tree of life.' Seeing it after birth, I just couldn't believe that my body created all that to protect and nourish my baby.'
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