Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 21 Weeks
Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 21 Weeks
Lamaze International
The following information -- and much more -- can also be found in the free weekly email Lamaze Pregnancy Week by Week. Sign up now to receive helpful information for your stage of pregnancy. Subscribers will be given the opportunity to complete a Lamaze Parent Satisfaction Survey after their pregnancy and receive a Lamaze Toys coupon. We want to hear about your birth experience and the impact that childbirth education may have had so that we can continue to make sure parents have the information they need for the safest, healthiest birth possible.
You're in week 21 of your pregnancy!
What is it about birth shows that make pregnant women love to watch them? Like other reality shows, they depict only part of the reality. These glimpses of actual births are carefully edited to create exciting scenes that draw in viewers. Pregnant women, beware! Watching birth shows may prepare you for birth, but only if the births depicted are safe and healthy. Notice your response the next time you watch a birth show. Do you feel stressed about giving birth, or confident that you can achieve your ideal birth? Does the show provide inspiration, or does it frighten you? If you don't feel good and confident while you're watching the show, turn it off! Instead, surround yourself with positive images of childbirth that will help empower you to achieve a healthy birth. The Lamaze video Everyday Miracles: A Celebration of Birth is a great, encouraging example.
What's New with Baby
What's New with You
Story from a Mama who has been there
'When I was pregnant, I read a book that said that on the day I would give birth, thousands of other women around the world would be giving birth, too. This was such a powerful image for me. When I felt worried or overwhelmed in labor, I thought about all of those other women. I felt like if they could do it, so could I, and that in some other-worldly way, maybe we could even help each other through labor and birth.'
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